Friday, December 01, 2006

On the first day of Christmas...

I celebrated with the girlies in our youth group. This youth group is an outreach program of Greenwood's Hispanic center, "Esperanza in JesuCristo." Adam and I have such a burden for "his people" -- the Hispanic/Latino cultures both here and abroad.

Adam and I have been leading this youth group since September and we have seen the Lord's blessings upon this effort. We had 6 kids show up to our first meeting and we're now running around 16/17 per meeting! Not only that, but the kids (the girls especially) first treated me with some suspicion and wariness (I don't blame them; many Caucasian people in this country haven't exactly put out the welcome mat for them, legal or not!), but now, I can honestly report that my girlies trust me and look up to me as their friend. I just hope I can make a real impact on their in prayer for me (and Adam) as we seek to put the Lord's stamp on their hearts. Just tonight I had a couple kids tell me nonchalantly that they don't know Jesus. I don't know if they saw the heartbreak on my face at that. I truly love these kiddos and I long to see them succeed and grow and blossom into outstanding American citizens and Christians.

Anyway, tonight we had our Christmas party. Adam took the boys and I took my girlies, first to McDonald's (seriously, they begged me to take them there for dinner!) and then back to my house for some arts and crafts time. We made Christmas tree ornaments with felt, glitter glue, sequins, jingle bells, and ribbon. We had a lovely time of talking and laughing and relaxing.


Anonymous said...

It's funny that you should post something about your youth group today. Ever since you and Adam told me about it, those kids keep crossing my mind, and I stop and pray for them every time they do. I was thinking about them this morning, and I prayed for them. That usually gets me to thinking about the little ones in Guatemala, and then I stop and pray for them (and for Adam's upcoming trip), too. God has really laid it on my heart to pray for these kids. I'm so glad they have you and Adam to show them the Light.

Fiddledeedee said...

What an awesome thing to do! These girls will probably remember you all of their lives. And I'll be willing to bet that they stay in contact with you as they become young adults.