Friday, September 08, 2006

take a deep breath


The weather in Indiana has certainly made its official turn toward cooler. We have been sleeping with the windows wide open at night and I always sleep very deeply and peaceful when breathing in cool fresh air. The best part? The horrid humidity has taken its annual hike outta dodge and I couldn't be happier about that!

I pasted this print image here not just cuz it's purdy, but to be an inspiration to me and Adam...we are going to buy a couple of canvases and PAINT together, either this weekend or next. I'm beyond frustration with trying to find lovely and inexpensive wall art for our house, so we're resorting to making our own. I'll let you all know how it goes!

Baby Watch '06 UPDATE: Sarah has been given an official date for delivery! She is scheduled for Tuesday morning at 11 to get hooked up to a big bag of Pitocin and get this little man Eli here! That is, if it doesn't happen spontaneously this weekend (which I'm still thinking is more likely)!!! I'm so excited...Tuesday is my normal day off and then I'll take Wednesday off to hang out with the recovering mama and, hold my nephew! I'm sure Sar feels like a prisoner about to be freed (NOT that being pregnant is some form of punishment; not saying that AT ALL). It's just that this is her last baby, and she'll have 4 kids aged 4 and under after Tuesday, so you can easily do the math and figure out she's been pregnant for almost 5 years straight. I can't wait for her to feel the relief that I know she'll feel! And me too!

Anyway, just really looking forward to all the wonderful things that this month has in store: a new baby in our family, cool weather, leaves turning, fun stuff!

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