Tuesday, September 12, 2006

it's E-Day

This is it, the day is here! Sarah is getting admitted to the hospital as I type this. Today is Elijah's birthday unless he decides to make his mama stick it out for 12+ hours of labor (wouldn't recommend that, little buddy). I'm working right now (or at least attempting to) and as soon as my 5:00 whistle blows, I'm outty! Going straight to the maternity ward to see Sar, and I've told her that she'd better have her epidural by then (you wouldn't want to see Sar in labor without that blessed drug) or I wouldn't be sticking around for very long! I plan on spending the night at St. Francis, either keeping awake with my family awaiting the arrival (it's a tradition that sometimes involves endless games of Uno) or sleeping on the couch/cot thingey (it doesn't dare to be called a "bed" in my presence) in Sar's room with her (again, another tradition). Thank the Lord I got great sleep last night and the slight touch of allergies/cold I've had isn't so bad this morning. It's gonna be a long one, kids!

If you're reading this today, please say a prayer for my sissy and her baby. Sarah told me this morning that she's nervous. I guess even after 3 other babies, there's still nothing routine about giving birth! Early this morning, I sat in my rocking chair in my bedroom, watching the rain pour, sipping coffee, and having a good talk with God...I asked for courage for all. And the thought occurred to me that it's 1 body becoming 2 bodies, and how it truly is a MIRACLE, the way humans reproduce. How can a person doubt the marvels of God's creative genius when you really think about how conception and birth happen? I praise the Lord for His wonders and I beseech His grace and mercies on mama and baby today, and I give thanks for that incredible first moment when they will get to finally meet each other after all these months.


Mark Keefer said...

We're praying in Cali.

Best, Mark and Chana

Anonymous said...

Well, it's 2:30 on Wednesday morning, and it still hasn't happened! This little one sure is taking his time getting here. Poor Sar - what a trooper!