Tuesday, April 04, 2006

They are growing up so fast...

As you all know, Ethan, Ada, and Abby are "my babies by proxy." Sarah has often told me that she's happy to share them with me! (I just hope that the reverse will be true one day when I'm a frazzled mommy and need her!!!) Anyway, at 3, 2, and 1, they are still so little. But, I can't believe (from these pictures), how much a difference 1 year makes in their lives.

This is Abby, still so teeny-tiny, at about 2 months old. Now, she is a little woman of 15 months, full of spunk and attitude, wicked-smart and devastatingly clever. She can figure out how to do just about anything she sees others doing. Heck, she learned to walk at 8 months...there is nothing stopping this girl! But here, she was still a cuddle-bug. Just looking at this picture makes me antsy to meet the new little one in Sarah's womb. Can't wait to have another cuddle-bug!

And here's my Ethan and Ada, at the time, just 2 and 1 respectively. I can't believe how much of their baby-fat is gone now! Ada used to be so roly-poly, and now she's pretty tall for her age and about 90% potty-trained! And Ethan, wow, he has changed so much. He rarely sucks his "fingies" anymore, he is potty-trained, and he's even in pre-school! His language, though still behind, has come a long way. At this time, VeggieTales were his favorite thing, but now he is interested in very little that isn't Thomas the Train. Awwww, I miss their baby selves. Even though they get more interesting every day, these pictures make me a little sniffly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those babies!!! I think that I will always collectively refer to Sar and Garrett's children as "the babies" no matter how old they get! Eth-an, Hi Zuzu, and Show the Teeth - what a bunch! Can't wait for September!!!