Thursday, February 02, 2006

I've tried, but it turns out I can't keep silent on this...

A few days ago, I clicked on a link on about an apparent flap going on in the conservative Christian community regarding the casting of the movie, "End of the Spear," the biopic telling the story of the 5 missionaries (probably the most famous of which is Jim Eliot) killed in Ecuador in the 1950s. I hadn't yet heard about this controversy, so I did some quick research: apparently, the movie's producers hired gay actor Chad Allen (remember Matthew from Dr. Quinn?) to play one of the missionaries, Nate Saint. Allegedly, they didn't know Chad Allen was gay until after they'd offered him the job, and when they did "discover" this information, they felt it would be dishonorable to revoke the job. Here's a link to their explanation of keeping Chad Allen on the cast:

However, I want to know why they would even consider revoking the job in the first place? My question is this: What does Chad Allen's sexual preferences have anything to do with his acting abilities? Having watched about 99% of the Dr. Quinn shows, I can attest that this kid never ONCE "acted gay;" in fact, his character played a convincing heterosexual in relationships with other women in the series and his character even married at one point. Unfortunately, though, the producers weren't concerned over Allen's ability (or inability) to act as a godly Christian married man and father and missionary...they were concerned about how it would look to other Christians. This fact makes my jaw drop.
First of all, has no one ever heard of a little thing called hypocrisy??? Chad Allen's homosexuality is NO DIFFERENT in the eyes of God than a little child who steals a candy bar in a grocery store. To God, sin is sin is sin is sin is sin. And to quote the Lord Jesus Christ, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone." I want to know, how many of us saw The Passion of the Christ? How many of us were truly blessed by that film and saw how God used it? By the way, did you know that Mel Gibson used to be a raging alcoholic? Because Mel Gibson was a sinner, does that mean we should have avoided that film? Forbidden loved ones to see it? Absolutely not, unless we were inviting the label of "hypocrite."
Secondly, does no one understand the mission of Jesus Christ when He was here on this earth? The Lord came to "seek and to save those who are lost." And as far as we know, Chad Allen is a lost soul who hasn't yet found the Lord (even though he claims to be a Christian). How dare anyone think that this was not 100% the Lord's will to guide this young man into this role, so he could be exposed to the greatest story of being martyred for the faith in the 20th century??? In fact, Steve Saint, the son of one of the 5 killed missionaries, says that he had a dream in which God told him this very thing...that it was God creating this opportunity for this young actor. Back to Christ's mission...indeed, it was the so-called religious people of His day for whom the Lord had no patience, and who, in fact, He scolded and reprimanded over and over again for their self-righteousness. So, which camp do I want to fall in? A seeker of the lost, like Christ, or a self-righteous bigot like the Pharisees?
Finally, I'll step off my soapbox with these words, again from Steve Saint, "God planned the death of his own Son. I believe he planned the death of my dad and his four dear friends. Now, I believe God is at work again. I don't pretend to know what God is going to do with this controversy, but I am confident that He is behind this." Well said, and bravo.

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