Tuesday, January 02, 2007

more time reading

Some of you may have seen the brief flicker of a book blog that I began last fall (am I already talking about "last fall"???) and wondered where that flicker, uh, flew away to. Golly, forgive the grammar there. Anyway, as part of my quest to spend my life moments wisely, I'm going to be spending a lot more time reading this year (basically, I'm just stealing it back from the wily television which seems to be quite dastardly at capturing and holding my attention for hours at a time...but no more, I'm fighting back!).

Right now I'm reading a book that Adam gave me for Christmas, The Memoirs of Cleopatra, which I must say, is an absolutely superb read and completely fascinating. Love it, love it! However, one of my goals in life is to read most, if not all, of the classics (even though it's hotly debated which books belong in this category). But I have found a few candidates that appear on several different lists like Top 100 Books or Greatest Books of All Time or You Can't Die 'til You Read This. And one of those books is "A Passage To India" by EM Forster.

So, consider yourself invited. Won't you join me as I dive into this book? Note: I'm gonna finish adventuring with Cleopatra first, but at the rate I'm gobbling up the pages of that book, I'll be ready for Forster in no time flat. I would like to start by no later than February 1st. Once I get going, I'll be recording my notes and questions and comments over on my other blog, This Girl's Books, so be sure to visit me there and please, do leave a post or two to let me know if you're tagging along on this journey into India.

Many, many more thoughts on how to spend time wisely coming soon!


Anonymous said...

You already know, of course, that you can count me in. Sar may not believe in it, but I am passionate about India. The David Lean film is spectacular, so I'm really looking forward to reading the book. Maybe we can get together and watch the movie after we finish reading?

Becky said...

Absolutely, I think that's a brilliant idea. Of course, I've never met a movie that lived up to the book, but there's always a first time for everything!

Now, don't start 'til February 1st so you can read along with my chapter analyses and so forth!

Anonymous said...

Great idea, Becky.

I'll have a look at the book and see if I can sqeeze it in right now. (Classes started back up.)

But at the very least I will be reading your blog about the action.
Maybe my experience will be a vacarious one this time around.