Wednesday, January 24, 2007

a leave of absence

I'm going to be putting "This Girl's Life" on a shelf for a short while, hopefully not too long. There's way too much stuff going on and it's all of a private nature and I just can't bring myself to talk about it here, nor do I have the energy to blab about trivial, random things right now.

When I come back, I'll be sharing a few updates.

Oh, and don't abandon me completely...especially if you read "This Girl's Books." We're still on for beginning "A Passage to India" (EM Forster) starting February 1st. I plan to keep posting there regularly.


ashley said...

We'll miss you! Hope everything is okay.

Will you at least poke your head back in for any celebratory posts when the Colts win the SuperBowl? ;-)

Aimee said...

I'm sorry Becky! I will be praying for you. I will also miss reading about your life but I certainly do understand! If you're ever up to it, give me a call sometime. I'd love to talk with you...or listen!

Mark Keefer said...

Chana and I will be praying for you and yours.

Thought about you today when I heard about Barbaro, 'cause when I first visited your blog, you had a post or two about him. Big-time bummer.

Take care, and we hope to see you back here soon.