Tuesday, December 05, 2006

On the fifth day of Christmas...

I did some fun Web-surfing to find Christmas on the Internet!

And here's what I was able to find (sorry, it's a pretty random listing):
*This beautiful image (just typed "Christmas peace" into Yahoo images...sometimes you can really hit a goldmine, other times, not so much!)
*The world's largest Christmas store (in Michigan, no less)
*The official website of the city of Bethlehem
*A fabulous donation idea: Trees for Troops!
*A collection of Christmas poetry, including the most beloved Christmas poem
*How to read A Christmas Carol online (that one's in honor of you, Wormie!)
*How to bake up a storm -- check out the Christmas Cookie Countdown
*A Christmas (Biblical) true-or-false quiz
*Shipping deadlines for United States Postal Service; by the way, if you were sending a gift to your cousin in Africa, your deadline was October 16. Oops.
*An article on the origins of candy canes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful post, Wormie! I really enjoyed visiting the various websites (and thanks for throwing old Charles in there!). And I was so pleased to find that the world's largest Christmas store calls itself a "CHRISTmas WONDERLAND" - love the emphasis on Christ!