Friday, October 13, 2006

ugh, ugh, ugh

do you ever walk in on a conversation and get that uber-creepy and unsettling feeling that the discussion you just interrupted was about YOU??? That just happened to me, and sadly, I think it's still going on, just out of my earshot.

Color me filled with dismay. Ugh, ugh, ugh.


ashley said...

I hate that!

Becky said...


Golly, I just think you're swell!!! Thanks for the "chin up, kiddo" speech...I needed that. You are so right, the first and foremost opinion I should truly, deeply care about (and thus, be so affected by) is my Father's opinion.
I sort of confronted one of the conversants later on about the content of the discussion that really did seem to be about me, and he assured me it wasn't. I feel better, although honestly, my woman's intution-slash-"Spidey sense"-slash-internal red alert sure told me otherwise, at the time!