Monday, July 03, 2006

back among the living

Since I am now recovering from the mother of all kidney infections, I will be able to post my happenings again! I just haven't been able to sit at my laptop without sweating through the pain. I've had UTIs before, but never have I had the infection in my kidneys, and holy smokes, it hurts like the dickens! (sidebar/note to self: research origin of "hurt like the dickens" -- I always say that and I haven't a clue what I might be actually saying!)

With the aid of Advil, I was able to participate in the preparation for Sam and Mel's wedding, which was yesterday. Golly, I love those two kids. And they had such a precious wedding. It was HOT outside during both wedding and reception, but the food was tremendous and we all had such a good time.

In order, I think these are the posts that I "owe":
Day Out with Thomas photos
taking my mom out to the L.S. Ayres tearoom for her birthday
Sam and Mel's wedding

Best get to it!

1 comment:

Terri said...

Glad your back and feeling better!