Monday, February 20, 2006

An addition to the family...

Well, my sister has given me official permission to post the big news on my blog: Sarah and Garrett are expecting Baby #4!!!

Although this news wasn't exactly met with cartwheels and dancing at first -- simply because they have 3 kids aged 3 and under already! -- the news has sunk in now and we're all joyfully anticipating this final installment of their family (right guys? Final installment???). I'm very excited to meet another version of this particular baby species...I've been duly impressed with the first three specimens!!! I can only imagine how much fun I'll have with all four of my nieces and nephew(s?). Ethan, Ada, and Abby are truly the pride and joy of my family, and as Katie and I often say, their antics are "better than TV."

So, if everyone who reads my blog would be faithful in sending some prayers heavenward on behalf of my sister and her family, with special mention of this wee little person in her belly, who is about 10 weeks' gestation at this point. It is a marvel to me to know that this little one already has a beating heart, and a gender (though we don't know it), and even a name (only the Lord knows for sure right now, but I've heard I'm going to have either a niece named Avery or a nephew named Elijah, and my money's on the latter!). We'll be meeting Baby sometime around September 21st, and I can't wait to get my hands on him/her. I absolutely adore them when they're cuddable and lovable!!!

Thank you Lord for the promise of new life!
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you"...Jeremiah 1:5

Image of a 10 weeks' gestational age baby:

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