Monday, November 20, 2006

Oh, Mt. Squalor

If you need me, you know where to find me. If I don't return in the next 48 hours, send someone in after me.

Our laundry pile might swallow me whole. Does anyone else besides me have a hard time keeping up with the dirty clothes? And does any other husband besides mine call it "Mt. Squalor" when it's all piled together in one room, ready for color assignment?

The one good thing about my laundry logjam is I cleaned out and organized my laundry room on Saturday. At least when I'm tackling our current Mt. Squalor, I won't be surrounded by phone books from 2004, lamps without bulbs, socks without mates, spiderwebs, and lint balls anymore!


Becky said...


oh how I aspire to that!!! I was on a routine for awhile, but then I took on more hours at work to "earn" a merrier Christmas for my gift-givees this year and well, it all went to pot from there. Mt. Squalor was born! I will be going back to part-time in January and will also begin re-observing a fastidious laundry routine!!! You heard it here first!

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I wish I had a wardrobe big enough that would allow me to go for that long without doing laundry! Alas, I don't, so I do laundry just about every day!

Kristen said...

Oh, haven't SEEN laundry until you've visited my laundry room. Imagine the atrocities that lie behind that door. We call it "the room of which we shall not speak". There is NEVER less than an overflowing hamper full of sweat socks, warm-up pants and white t-shirts...OH THE WHITE T-SHIRTS! But, that's what you get when you're the only girl in the frat house of a husband and two little boys...smelly little boys!