Friday, November 03, 2006

here they are, the demanded, er, requested pix!

I met some really cool celebrities the other night...

First of all, Buzz Lightyear!

Then I must have stumbled somehow into the Hundred-Acre Wood, because I met a Heffalump and her companion, a dear favorite, Winnie-the-Pooh!

and then, just when I thought the VIPs had all arrived, suddenly I spied the most rotund jack-o-lantern that ever was!

It's hard work being Buzz...

but not nearly as hard as corralling 4 small children for a picture!

Show us the candy!!!

Candy? What's dat?

Piggyback from Nanna and tickles from Pa-Pa!

Until next year...


Anonymous said...

There's just nothing like kids on Halloween! And that's coming from a good Reformed girl, too. :) Adorable pictures.

Aimee said...

WOW!! Sarah must be like 'Super Mom'. I can't even imagine what a typical day is like for her! Her kids are gorgeous!!

Becky said...

I will pass along the compliments...heaven knows Sarah could use some encouragement! Let's just say this: God knew what He was doing when He gave the big passle of kids to Sarah (and not me). Sarah has the patience and love for them...she is the best mom I've ever known, second only to my own dear mama.