Friday, October 20, 2006

what do you support?


The month of October is national breast cancer awareness month. I'm sure this fact has not escaped's like all of retail has gone pink, which is fine by me! I personally haven't lost anyone to breast cancer (we're a big heart disease family; if I'm gonna go, it will probably be cardiovascular in nature!). I love it when I buy something I need anyway and some of those proceeds go to benefit breast cancer cure research. But it's such a passive way to support the cause.

When I think about causes, within the space of a few seconds, I start to get dizzy. One could literally devote her entire life helping to support very good causes. I think of the March of Dimes, who my mother-in-law supports. I think of Crisis Pregnancy Centers. I think of autism, leukemia, AIDS, literacy, the environment...I even think of land mines!

Just today I was reflecting on a situation (I might post about it later) and I started to get overwhelmed thinking of all the things that need to be done, that SHOULD be done, to help in this particular situation. When I thought of how limited I was, as one human being, and all the constraints on my time anyway...well, it just makes me pretty darn sad. And then I thought, well, since I am just one person, I should probably do the work of one person, and that's better than not working, not helping at all!

But I wonder...should we each just go ahead and "pick" a cause? Perhaps the one closest to home, so to speak? Should we give where we can and call it good enough? Does anyone else have issues with an overdeveloped sense of guilt and civic responsibility??? :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One way to help ONE cause every day would be with the environment. Eat organic... support farmers that make an extra effort and risk by not relying on chemicals/pesticides/etc. Recycle!!! Use biodegradeable home products such as shampoos, cleansers, laundry detergent, so on and so forth. These are things you can do daily that help not only yourself, but many others... people today and tomorrow. Great website for daily tips... We have lived as close to a green lifestyle as possible for about 4 years now and everyday I find new ways to be "greener." There are big and small things that every person can do... some cheap, some expensive. But all of this causes one to reflect on the responsiblity of their daily actions and way of life. Enough of my rambling... it's late and has been a very long day.

God Bless