Saturday, January 21, 2006

This blog is providing the perfect excuse...

to go back through the Becky files and pull out older pictures and post them with pride, and I can't remember a day I was more proud than on my little sister's wedding day, October 2, 2004. I had the privilege of "dolling up" the bride, so I had a wonderful 2 hours alone with her, prepping her for her big day and enjoying some sisterly solitude before the festivities began...

Katie on her "wedding eve," at the rehearsal with my mom

the blushing bride on her wedding morning... the "before"

...and the "after," looking her most "princess" self with her daddy and mommy

and can't forget to show the bride with her groom, Christopher

and of course, me, trying to look serious for a minute after having discussed the finer points of supportive undergarments with several of the female wedding guests!

and finally, the bride and groom ready to ride off into the sunset (and they haven't yet lost that newlywed glow that's all over their faces in this picture -- how cute are they?!?).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Yes, I am in the Greek mafia. We use olives instead of live ammunition as to not bring the authorities upon us....