Friday, January 20, 2006

It's for sure!

Yesterday I was given the green light by my boss to take a week off in go to Guatemala! I am going with Adam and a team from our church, Southside Bible, to our sister church in Guatemala on a missions trip March 15 to 22. We're still working out our agenda, but I believe, as of right now, that we'll be doing the following:
  • putting on a vacation Bible school of sorts for the kids, with puppet shows and skits and lots of fun things like that
  • ministering to the teachers of the Christian school associated with our sister church by getting some one-on-one time with them, to encourage them in their noble work
  • helping Pastor Mario and wife Maria do whatever needs doin' at church and in their ministries!
I've put lots of prayer into this, and my prayer has simply been this, that if God wanted me to go on this trip, that He'd open doors and prepare the way, and He has done that...and then some. Things just keep working out, and I keep feeling the nudge of the Holy Spirit in stronger and stronger ways. I know that God has a work to do in my heart on this trip, and even though I don't know exactly what that is, I have a feeling that part of it is to simply open my eyes to another world out there that I've been blissfully blinded from in my cushy Greenwood, Indiana, USA existence. A world of poverty, of danger at every corner, a world of struggle and weariness -- and getting to know the people who find joy in the Lord despite all of these things.

So even though I'm NOT looking forward to leaving the luxuries of life that I shamelessly enjoy, I know this will be so so so good for me. Pray for me that God strips away the spoiled-ness of my life for this one week and in so doing, that I can be poured out in service to others.

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