Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Crocking up

Do tell me, is there anything better on a dreary January day than knowing you have a delicious pot roast slow-cooking at home while you slog through your workday??? I think not! Here is a recipe that Dawn Hawkins gave me a couple of years ago (which I modified a tad per our preferences):

a black Angus chuck roast
5-7 baby red potatoes, depending on size
a small bag of baby carrots or 5-7 carrots, peeled and cut into large chunks
a packet of Lipton's onion soup mix

Rub salt and pepper onto the roast and place in crockpot; sprinkle half the packet of soup mix on top of roast. Wash potatoes and add to pot; wash, peel, and cut carrots and add to pot. Sprinkle remaining half of soup mix on top of veggies, then add 1 cup of water to the mix. (I will usually put a bit more water in, depending on how long we'll be gone during the day.) Cook on low setting for at least 8 hours; I usually cook for about 10 hours.
Dawn's recipe calls for 1 can cream of mushroom soup, which you would stir into the broth 1/2 hour before serving, but Adam and I like the meat and taters, straight up!
The aroma will fill your whole house and make you feel cozy and warm, and the meat is absolutely delicious. Happy crocking!

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